215 Gateway Road,

Bensenville, IL 60106

Phone: (630) 350-9470

Email: [email protected]


8787 Enterprise Blvd

Largo, FL 33773

Phone: (727) 812-2000

Email: [email protected]


Av. Ramon Rivera Lara #5465

Ciudad Juarez, Chihauhau Mexico


No.1, 3rd Industrial Rd,

Baogon gao Industrial Zone,

Xikeng Community, Guanlan,

Shenzen 518110 P.R. China.

Tel: (86) 755-2802 2000


Amglo Kemlite Laboratories is a global manufacturer of specialty lamps and was established in 1935. It services O.E.M. equipment manufacturers and distributors in the fields of Aerospace lighting, Airfield lighting, Medical lighting, Vehicular lighting, Obstruction lighting, Railroad Lighting and Laser lamp industries.

The Amglo Company has lamp manufacturing facilities in United States and Mexico. The xenon lamp division is located in Bensenville, Illinois where it manufactures high powered quartz flashlamps while low power commodity xenon lamps and related assemblies are offered to customers from its Amglo Bravo facility in Juarez, Mexico.

Amglo’s halogen division in Largo Florida – manufactures specialty low voltage hard glass halogen lamps, quartz halogen and metal halide discharge lamps. It is also the primary design center for all Corporate Engineering and Lamp Research activity. Its fully equipped laboratory is capable of performing all necessary photometric and spectral measurements. Equipment for vibration and environmental tests are monitored daily and intended to replicate field conditions experienced by Amglo’s product.

Our company’s mission is simple:

  • Provide product that meets the needs of the customer.
  • Provide the customer with a quality product.
  • Provide the customer with a product in a timely manner.
  • Provide the customer with the best customer service experience.


Our History: 85 Years of Innovation

1935: Amglo Company establishes a Laboratory.
1960’s: Amglo commercializes its first photographic lamp.
1970’s: Amglo commercializes a complete line of flashlamp products for aircraft identification.
1980: GE exists flashlamp technology and Amglo commercializes flashlamps for police car warning.
1982: Amglo designs flashlamps with Dr. Edgerton for high speed photography.
1985: Amglo acquires Kemlite.
1990: Amglo establishes Vision Engineering.
1992: Amglo establishes Halogen Lamp Facility.
1994: Amglo expands capability into sealed beam lamps for the FAA and other new clients.
1999: Amglo expands sealed beam Production with semi-automated production line.
2001: Amglo incorporates Amglo Bravo in Juarez Mexico.
2001: Amglo designs and sells its first medical laser lamp for professional hair removal.
2003: Amglo acquires Sonlite China and establishes Firstech Lighting.
2005: Amglo pioneered FRA halogen locomotive headlight reaching 200K candlepower and 4000 hours life.
2011: Amglo completes product line of 18 aircraft halogen sealed beams p/n’s to replace incandescent family of sealed beam lamps.
2013: Amglo receives Boeing IPC landing lamp approval on 737/767 and 777 aircraft.
2015: Firstech expands its “Eco-Par” Halogen product line to meet all US Energy Law requirements and 10M capacity.
2019: Amglo recapitalization with Newcastle Partners of Greenwich, CT.